The road to the reservoir was still in a residential area with manicured lawns.
This is the reservoir, with a lot of people doing sports on or off the water.
This is the start of the trail.
And my goal, Tree Top Walk is 4.4kms from there.
This was a more urban trail than I expected, with gravel and a LOT of runners and trekkers. So it was very rare to not see somebody in the picture. I have tried to take some pictures to get a flavor of the jungle...
...little bit more of the reservoir...
...of the plants
...of the animals...
Giant ant, min 2cms!
Butterfly (the others have disappeared before I had a chance...)
Colungo, an arboreal gliding mammal, supposedly a very shy animal.
Then I have finally arrived at the Tree Top Walk. I haven't shown you all the signs, warnings, etc. that were placed everywhere. But here they went berserk, don't enter the forest in case of bad weather, be careful because trees and branches can fall on you, and please, PLEASE do not turn around, because Tree Top Walk is strictly one way.
Ok, what is it? It is a free-standing suspension bridge that connects the two highest points of the MacRitchie area, with a walkway that is about 250ms. It is obviously the highlight of any hikes in the area, but it is also used for research purposes: it is closed every Monday (except on public holidays).
Unfortunately my pictures do not do justice to what it is like up there. It is very scary - you walk on a mesh, although solid, it is also very see-through! In theory I don't have vertigo, but I had to have a few moments of serious self-talk!
And the height also doesn't come through in my pictures. I have no idea how high this thing is... delete that, I have checked it: the highest point is at 25ms. Well that doesn't sound much, but trust me, it is high! (Yes, that is my finger, but my excuse is that I couldn't see much on the screen, and yes, I was scared!)
Afterwards it takes a long while to get back to the ranger station (and then there is still the hike back to public transportation).
I was having fun with sizes (and these were not even the largest!)
Although I have only left home at 9am, and it took me a while to get there, I was ready for my next adventure at 1pm! To be reported tomorrow!!!