Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Quirky Singapore III - Signs and signposting

I already have sooooo many signs, I thought it was time to share. But this is probably only the first of many posts on Singaporean signs.

This is from close to the MacRitchie Reservoir (and Tree Top Walk). And it is no joke, there are monkeys around!


It bears repeating! But also, have a nice day!


...and repeat again.

And now, please really take this and some other instructions very seriously, you are entering Tree Top Walk!

 Keep the door closed, perhaps so that people cannot turn around? :)

And just so that you know how to enjoy nature:

This is probably a cistern (water is VERY precious in Singapore!!!).

Note that the sign is in all the 4 official languages!

This is in NTU, because there is a lake...

...and a green area around it!

 Gardens by the Bay


In case you don't understand the signs. Or in case you don't understand English?

This was on the OCBC Skyway. And I mean up on the Skyway. So if you came up wearing high heels, please take them off!

Traffic, travel, public transportation:

This is from the (double decker) bus I take to NTU.

These are literally all over the place on the side of every single road. But people still jaywalk everywhere!


This is not a very good picture, because the top is missing with the red man, I promise to take a better one! But what this is is how you cross streets: you press for Green Man and cross with care!

Somebody has asked for this, so here you go: fine city :) This is on/in the MRT. Just one question: are durians so bad, that they cannot even express the exorbitant level of the fine? :)

And the next three are also in the MRT. This one tells you where to stand in front of the door of the metro: i.e. let alighting passengers get off first, then start getting on :)

And this shows you how the government uses available space to educate the populace. These signs are next to the doors on the MRT station, so while you wait for the next train you can read about Holistic Education...

or how you can pay for you HDB home!

And finally some religion-related signs. This one is from an Indonesian fast food place...

...and this one is from a shop close to Kampong Glam.