Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sentosa I - Getting to Sentosa, still in the city

This Saturday I went to Sentosa Island. I got up early, took my mobile phone as both my map and guide book and set out. Because I had a cable car entry ticket and I have read nice things about the area from where the cable car sets off, I have gotten off the MRT at a stop called Redhill, still way off from Sentosa.

Then disaster struck. I received a text from my mobile operator stating that I had $0.22 on my prepaid card. So first I had to make a phone call to the operator, to explain to me what the ... happened in 5 days, because that is when I have put (a LOT of) money on this card. Well, no answer, customer service, although very polite, was completely useless. (If I want to use my phone, I should put more money on it. Sure, like it is going to happen. And if I am not satisfied with this answer, I have to wait 3 days until somebody looks into the matter and calls me.) Let it suffice to say, that I was now completely on my own, with no maps or anything to guide me. I have checked a map at home, so I had a rough idea which way to go - south :), and to be honest, maps don't help much in Singapore anyway :) Furthermore, I like to talk to local people, so I can I ask, right?!

So I set out in the general direction of south. This is Redhill market.

This is a temple. Note the wire basket in front, where somebody has just lit the regular red sheets of paper.

Still life in front of an HDB building.

Storm canal with HDB building in the background.

Secondary school.

Note that the name of the school is in 4 languages!

 Filling station :) But beyond that, I couldn't figure out what this is.


 Neighborhood clinic.


 State land with marker.

Crossing over AYE (Ayer Rajah Expressway).

This is due south.

The expressway. (This is serious business, because it is not 2x2 but 2x3 lanes! Most average roads in Singapore are 2x2, like Jalan Bukit Merah in front of the filling station above.)

Trekway running parallel the expressway.

This is already on the other side. This is where I started to ask questions, how to get on teh hill (running east-west) and specifically how to get to Henderson Waves. First try, no luck, no idea, or she just didn't want to talk to me, or didn't/couldn't talk in English. Second try, yes, I should go east, and I'll see Henderson Waves. Thank you, I'll just take a picture of this Temple...

She was kind enough to run after me and tell me that Henderson Road is indeed to the east, but if I want to get on the bridge over Henderson Road (that bridge is Henderson Waves), I should continue West, and take the pathway after the HDB building. Thank you very much!!! On my way I went in to a hawker center to drink my second cup of teh tarik of the day :). And if I was already there, I have asked for directions. No, no, everything is closed off here, so I have to go east... And I am thinking, I am having a very lucky day today, am I not?

Meanwhile a warehouse I thought looked very eastern, but in the picture it doesn't really come through...

Anyway, I have seen the construction and the closed off areas, but I thought I am still going to investigate. So I went on the other side of the nearest HDB building...


...building on one side, hill on the other, and walked...

...until I have found this.


Moral of the story listen to directions, but first of all listen to your gut!

On the way up, there were a few signs, I am keeping them for my Quirky post series, and only include this most pertinent one here.

Half way up there was this little house to rest.

And I have wanted to show you this for a while, so now here is the perfect opportunity. Storm drains in the side of every tiny little mole/hill. This one right next to the pathway.

And finally, very close to the top of the hill or better yet, the east-west ridge I have found this sign. The packaging on the candelabra just shows you that construction works were under way here as well.

The sign says that Southern Ridges (go both ways), but Henderson Waves is to the right (i.e. west).

And Henderson Waves is my next post :)