Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Quirky Singapore IV - Tea drinking

I have found these posts a while ago, and I was very surprised for a number of reasons. I have just looked at them again, and I found new things to be surprised at.

I thought that due to Singapore's past as a British colony, the many citizens of Chinese descent, and my impression that tea (teh tarik) drinking is a pervasive local custom, Singapore would be very prominent on this list:

But no, Singaporeans are in the company of Central Europeans :) somewhere in the middle of the list.

There are many more surprises if you really think about it. Turkey being the first on the list, and winning by so much. I know they love tea, I also love elma çayı (apple tea), but still. And that the UK is only 3rd! The fact that the Netherlands is in the first quartile, is really only surprising if I also show you this list:

1st: the Netherlands. Not surprising to anybody who has been to the Netherlands for an extended period of time. 2nd: Finland. Finland??? The USA is not in the first 10, and is even overtaken by Canada. But given the American coffee vs espresso or American coffee vs Dutch coffee :), it is not surprising at all. And Italy? In the middle of the list!?

Singapore? In the middle in this list as well. So what do people drink in Singapore? I know that I drink teh tarik :)

Now I only wish the unit of measurement was comparable across the two lists!

(If you click on the links, the original posts also have nice maps for illustration!)