Saturday, March 1, 2014

Singapore Sights - Holland Village

I have arrived to Buena Vista MRT station and walked.

I really liked these sculptures, especially with the guy standing next to them :)

An overpass over Commonwealth Avenue.

A bus stop.

This is an unusual HDB (low rising) with a kopi tiam in the basement.

And I have arrived to Holland Village.

These are regular HDBs. With the block number printed in HUGE numbers on the sides.

Holland Village Shopping Mall - very unimpressive :(

This is the actual Holland Village, with the famous eateries and watering holes.

And somewhere around here I should have found the last reminder of the origins of the village. This:

But I didn't... I found some local BBQ.

Holland Village was first populated by the Dutch (surprise, surprise). It is specifically named after Hugh Holland, an early Dutch resident, and a well-respected architect. Later British army officers have lived in the local semi-detached and terrace houses here. This is how the area started to attract a growing number of expatriates. And because the settling expatriate families were from the middle and upper classes, the area has started to garner the reputation of an exclusive residential area, bungalows and semi-detached houses of the local elite.

This is area is the posh settlement, on the other side of a main road.

Back towards Holland Village, this I guess is something like the mascot of the district.

Holland Village Park, with Holland Village eateries and shops in the background.

Yet another residential area, still part of the extended Holland Village.