Saturday, March 22, 2014

Singapore Sights - The last kampong of Singapore

The area, while quite remote, is on the edge of an HDB. (Surprise, surprise)

These pictures are not of the Kampong [kampung=village in Malay] yet, although they convey the jungle feel a little bit.

This area is next to the Kampong and houses an abandoned building complex.

I have made this picture for the sign on the wall.

Close-up. But don't misunderstand!

This is the road on the edge of the HDB towards the Kampong.

Entrance to the village. The sign says Surau Kampong Lorong Buang Kok, losely translated as Mosque of Buang Kok Village (Kampong=village; Lorong=road, small road; Buang Kok=united, after Singapore United Rubber Plantation Limited that owned part of the land)

And this is the village.

HDB in the background.

I thought this was the entrance to a house, so I first haven't entered, but then there were tourists coming out...

The road continues.

According to one source the village was built in 1956. Perhaps not... But also this is the only "street" sign I have seen in the vicinity.

I haven't actually taken many pictures of them, but tourists were everywhere! In the next yard there was a group of Singaporean students in uniform with a guide talking to them through an earphone/loudspeaker in Chinese.

You can see some of the students in the middle, in yellow.

This is the other side, other edge of the village.

Back in the village.

The sign from the other side :)

This is my favorite picture. Summarizes the feeling. Zinc-roofs or walls. Heat. And quiet (when the tourists are not around).

This is where I left the kampong. Not very edifying.

After the no-man's land (which, I bet you, is owned by the state!), Sengkang river (?), and a bit nicer houses on the other side.

View from the other side of the river. Bye village!